Thirty-four-year-old forklift driver, Mick Follers of Condell Park, describes himself as Justin Bieber's No. 1 fan and he's got the number plates to prove it.
Paying $440 a year for the privilege of personalised plates Mr Follers said he was motivated by his appreciation of Bieber's songs and that he might make some money selling them.
Mr Foller didn't bother to go and see Bieber when he appeared in Sydney on David Koch's Sunrise program but he has followed the popster faithfully on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
"I've downloaded all his tunes from iTunes,'' he told The Daily Telegraph.
"I'm one of his older fans but I like his stuff.''
Asked if he believed David Koch's allegations about Bieber's "foul mouth'', the no-nonsense storeman said he wasn't sure about Kochie.
"I doubt what he (Koch) said was true but on the spur of the moment he (Bieber) could have said it. I think everyone does occasionally.''
In the meantime, Bieber fans have responded to Kochie's statement that the talented teen needed a "slap'' for his alleged f-bomb to a staffer. And they're not happy.
While most replied in a similar vein to Melbourne blogger Drew Boy "it was a loada B******T!'', for many it was more a case of Koch? Koch who? "Who's Peter Koch?'' asked one.
Sydney law student Atia twittered to Bieber: "@justinbieber u Mean wot that old bald man 4RM sunrise said. That were rude in Australia. He is a Mean person. Ignore him.''
This was in reply to Justin Bieber's plaintive: "i know my friends family and fans know the person i am. hearing adults spread lies and rumors is part of the job i guess.''
Atia's response to Kochie was less polite: "U bald old Koch from Unrise plz grow up. And leave Justin bieber alone. He is only 16 trying 2 grow up.''
Kochie tweeted: "Bieber fans calm down. No big deal. Was in paper. But in public eye have to be nice to people. Is a good bloke learning to deal with fame''.
This response may have satisfied Kochie's 1081 followers, but not so the Bieber's 2.7 million fans.
Kat Drummond from Indiana summed up the general response, tweeting: "It's almost amazing how many different stories there are about Justin Bieber's interviews?"
Source: Daily Telegraph
Wow~ And i thought i was a crazy 22 years old Belieber(And i have haters for being a 22 years old Belieber. They said im too old. Is that freaking wrong??). This guy wayyyyyy older and wayyyyyy crazier to do something like that!! And i don't hate him for being a Belieber. I am happy that Justin Bieber is loved by people at any age!!
What do u think? Yay or Nay for him to do that? Leave us your comment!
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